Monday, July 14, 2008

Screen International Digital Cinema 2008 Conference @ Vue in London

25th September 2008,  Vue Cinema, Leicester Square, London WC2


Welcome to Digital Cinema 2008, the event that tackles the opportunities and barriers to success of the D-Cinema project.


The roll-out of digital cinema hasn’t taken off in Europe as quickly as anyone expected. With cost-sharing deals for installation at a stand-still, some might say progress has been painfully slow. However, it’s not all doom and gloom and the signs are that the tide is turning. With developments such as XDC Cinema’s agreements with four studios for the deployment of 8000 digital screens finally being signed, the decisions that lie ahead assume even more importance. It’s time to act now for the future success of D-Cinema.


The event will also showcase the next wave of opportunity afforded by digital cinema technology.


“We literally need the deals now to make the slate work. If the studios want this to happen in time for 2009, the deals have to be struck, and they have to be struck right now.”


John Fithian, President, NATO

Join us in tackling the critical issues at this pivotal time for D-Cinema and learn from the people leading the charge to a digitised cinema industry.


2008's stellar line up includes:


John Fithian, President, National Association of Theatre Owners (video presentation)

Stewart Till, Chairman, UK Film Council

Howard Kiedaisch, CEO, Arts Alliance Media

Michael Karagosian, Digital Cinema Consultant, National Association of Theatre Owners

Bernard Collard, SVP and General Manager, XDC Cinema

Tim Richards, CEO , Vue Cinemas

Phil Clapp, CEO, Cinema Exhibitors’ Association

Peter Seabrook-Harris, Regional Sales Director, Pearl & Dean



Recent developments in digital cinema have created an enhanced sense of optimism for the success of the project. Digital Cinema 2008 features the key stakeholders in D-Cinema and provides a platform to debate the way forward in ensuring a successful future for the project.


As the tide turns, Digital Cinema 2008 will provide the information you need to take advantage of business opportunities that are so far untapped. You will hear a blend of business and practical information from leading figures across the industry, helping you to capitalise on the opportunities and avoid the potential pitfalls of D-Cinema.


At Digital Cinema 2008 you will:

Hear key stakeholders in the digital cinema project debate the pivotal issues and understand how to get the most out of the digital cinema opportunity.

Gain an enhanced understanding of how the digital cinema roll-out has progressed and what level of digitisation we can expect in the next 12 months

Develop an enhanced understanding of how to generate revenue from 3D and alternative content

Receive invaluable information of the practicalities and key business learnings in digital cinema from the people who have actually done it

Network with the people who may hold the key to a successful D-Cinema partnership

Plus, for the first time you will have the opportunity to participate in a 3D mass gaming experience. Make sure you understand the consumer offering of alternative content and hear invaluable advice from organisations making money out of it!


Full Agenda

Thursday, 25th September 2008

08.45 - Registration and coffee

09:30 - Opening remarks from the Chair


Mike Gubbins, Editor Screen International

09.40 - Keynote Presentation


Taking the global roll-out of Digital Cinema through a crucial developmental phase: why it is fundamental to act now


John Fithian, President National Association of Theatre Owners

10.10 - Panel Session


The VPF: the appropriate financing structure for rolling out Digital Cinema?

How close are the key stakeholders to ironing out the finer details of VPF deals? What developments are we likely to see over the next 6 months?

Who stands to gain from investment in the digital cinema infrastructure?

Do the VPF deals on the table reflect the needs of all the parties?

What has prevented exhibitors so far from signing VPF deals so far?

What are the advantages of privately financing digital cinema systems?

How can the digital cinema roll out be accellerated?


Moderator: Peter Buckingham, Head of Distribution and Exhibition UK Film council

Howard Kiedaisch, CEO Arts Alliance Media

Bernard Collard, SVP and General Manager XDC Cinema

Michael Karagosian, Digital Cinema Consultant

National Association of Theatre Owners

Phil Clapp, CEO, Cinema Exhibitors’ Association


11.00 - Break and networking

11.30 - Panel session


3D: the catalyst of change for the digital future of cinema?

With positive results at the box office, huge studio investment and a string of slated titles in the pipeline, 3D is going to be a key driver of progress in the digital cinema roll out. Whilst the creative possibilities are undeniable, the window of commercial opportunity is less well defined. This session will examine what needs to be done to maximise the effectiveness of 3D as a mainstream format.


What is the 3D business opportunity and will consumers pay a premium for 3D content long term?

How limited is the window of opportunity and to what extent will this revenue stream be hampered by a lack of infrastructure?

Who stands to make money from the coming 3-D boom?

What is the state of the 3D infrastructure? What time frame will exhibitors be able to put 3D projectors in place?

What threat to business models based on 3D cinema does the advent of 3D TV present?

Drew Kaza, Director Digital Development Odeon UCI Cinemas


Ben Stassen, CEO nWave Pictures

Graham Spurling, Principle Director Spurling Group Cinemas


12.00 - Mass gaming experience

Alternative content - maximising the commercial potential of multi-purpose digital screens


From mass gaming experiences to live sporting occasions, the opportunity to fill cinemas at traditionally unpopular times is an attractive feature of D-Cinema. This session will focus on gaming, allowing you to experience a 3D mass gaming event first hand.


Creating a unique consumer offering – why play video games in a cinema?

How are Vue planning to generate revenue through gaming?

What have Vue’s key financial learning’s been so far?

What are the practical and logistical considerations presented by staging mass gaming experiences?

Is the requisite spend on marketing and advertising in promoting alternative events worth the ROI?

How do Vue plan expand their activities in staging gaming and other alternative content events?


Tim Richards, CEO Vue Cinemas


12.40 - Lunch and networking

13.40 - Keynote presentation


What would a European network of digital cinemas mean for pan-European distribution?


Stewart Till, Chairman

UK Film Council

14:20 - Case Study


Assessing the impact of digital cinema on screen advertising revenues


How is digital cinema driving screen advertising revenues?

What are the implications of a mixed 35 mm and digital model?

What is the industry doing to address the lack of digital trailers?


Peter Seabrook-Harris,, Regional Sales Director Pearl & Dean


14:50 - Case Study


An independent exhibitors’ guide to going digital


Once the VPF agreement is signed or the funding in place, how quickly can the roll out take place?

What ROI can be expected in the first 12 months and how are revenues expected to grow in the coming year?

Maximising revenues through product diversification

What impact has the creation of a network of fully digitised screens had on advertising revenues?

How disruptive is the need to revolutionise workflows? How can the negative impact of updating skill sets be minimised?

What additional challenge does the need for a 3D capabilities present?


Dave Moutrey, Director Cornerhouse Cinema


15:30 - Break and networking

16:00 - Presentation


Assessing the scope for public funding of digital cinema within the European State aid framework


What is the European State aid framework for digital cinema?

What national public initiatives have been taken in Europe to increase the number of digital screens?

Under what conditions could other national public initiatives in Europe fit within this framework?

Is there still a role for public initiatives if there are now commercial digital cinema models?


Obhi Chatterjee, State aid/DG Competition European Commission


16:25 - Presentation


Choosing fit for purpose delivery platforms for the digital cinema revolution


What are the key differences between the different delivery platforms available? What are the limitations of hard drive transfer?

What are the specific issues associated with KDM delivery and management?

How is the case for satellite delivery evolving and what are the barriers to success of this method? Has anything changed to inspire confidence in employing a two-way satellite solution?

Suggested speaker:

David Monk, CEO

European Digital Cinema Forum


17.00 - Chair’s closing remarks


Road mapping the future of digital cinema - taking the next steps towards establishing a fully digital European network of cinemas

Mike Gubbins, Editor, Screen International

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