Monday, June 23, 2008
VERY interesting survey stats appearing now over at THR highlighting just how good a lift 3D gives to theaters over their 2D counterparts. They surveyed more than 4,000 U.S. theaters with 4+ screens and some with 3D, some without.
"...the November 2007 release "Beowulf" in 3-D saw a 65% sales increase in total boxoffice over comparable theaters that exhibited it in 2-D, according to a new study from the Nielsen Co.'s Nielsen PreView."
"Besides the edge in boxoffice sales, theaters that chose to exhibit "Beowulf" in 3-D on more than one screen saw their sales climb even higher to 100% versus what was expected."
"With all the upcoming hype around 3-D, we wanted to take a hard look and see if there is truly a consumer appetite for 3-D," said Ann Marie Dumais, senior vp at Nielsen PreView. "Our new research approach contrasted theaters in such a way to demonstrate consumers, when given a choice, will choose 3-D."
"A related Nielsen study found that while consumers have an appetite for 3-D films, they often lack general awareness and education about what 3-D is and where to find it. In a recent Nielsen moviegoer survey, 48% were unaware their movie was available in 3-D. "We are talking about are they aware that a given movie is offered in both formats, what that looks like and where to find it," Dumais said."
Well now - that's where MarketSaw comes into play guys! Spread the word! Apparently there are hordes of folks who need to be enlightened about 3D and just what is coming down the pipe... :-)
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