2K • A Digital Cinema picture of 2048 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high - 6.67% more pixels than consumer high definition TV 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high.
2K/4K compatibility • The DCI specification provides for seamless interoperability . 2K con-tent is automatically resized for presentation on 4K projectors while extraction enables 4K content to be presented on 2K projectors. The Sony SRX series projection systems analyze the movie content and automatically select the best resolution for exhibition.
4K • A Digital Cinema picture with four times the pixels of 2K: 4096 wide by 2160 high. The 4K difference is visible, especially to viewers toward the front of the auditorium and especially with stadium seating. Only the Sony SRX Pro-jection System can display full 4K movies at their intended resolution and color.
DCDM • The Digital Cinema Distribution Master is the uncompressed and unencrypted electronic file with picture, sound and subtitles.
DCI specification • Specifications for digital projection agreed to by the Digital Cinema Initiatives. These provided the industry's green light for widespread digital cinema deployment. It provides future proofing and interoperability among multiple equipment vendors and service providers.
DCP • The Digital Cinema Package is the compressed, encrypted file that the theater receives. The Sony projection system includes the server so that the DCP can be ingested right into the projector.
Fingerprinting • Hidden identification marks in the picture and/or sound that enable pirated content to be traced back to a specific auditorium and showing. The Sony Projection System uses a exclusive pattern that is invisible to the viewer so that there is no degradation of the image quality .
FIPS 140-2 • DCI compliant theater systems must be certified to meet this Federal standard for data security , which includes security from physical intrusion. Since the Sony Projection System is a fully integrated projector/server/ SMS system, security is easy to manage and tracking intrusions into the system can be monitored by the exhibitor.
JPEG 2000 • The DCI specified data compression, JPEG 2000 combines superb picture quality and manageable file sizes.
K • In computer-speak, two to the tenth power or 1,024. In digital film scanning, the width of the image is described as 2K or 4K pixels.
KDM • The Key Delivery Message is a set of data files that unlock the Digital Cinema Package for presentation. For security , the KDM is delivered to the theater separately from the DCP . With the Sony projection System, KDM management is simple with point and click ingest, and SMS alerts of KDMs that are about to expire.
ODS • Other Digital Stuff can include policy trailers, commercials, local advertising "slides," live pay per view events and video gaming. To maximize theater revenues, digital projection is open to any digital content. The Sony Projection System includes two other inputs that include their own signal scaling allowing direct plug in of just about any type of video signal.
Production • Digital Cinema can accept any type of movie production, including film, digital animation, HD, 2K and content from the new 4K Digital Cinema cameras. The first 4K shoots from major Hollywood directors have already been announced. They include “The Argentine" and "Guerilla" from Steven Soderberg, and "Tempting Hyenas" from LeVar Burton.
Projector • A digital projector has an even greater influence on presentation quality than a film projector. The Sony SRX Projection System delivers more picture information than any other brand.
SM • The Security Manager is software within the projector/media block enclosure that monitors any entry . This is included with the Sony SRX Projection System.
SMS • The Screen Management System controls the projector and server of one auditorium. It includes a trusted device list of components within the secure environment. This is included with the
Sony SRX Projection System.
SPB • Each area of the projection system must include protection and alerts for sensitive signal processing areas. These are called Security Processing Blocks. Depending on the area protected, the system may react by logging and reporting the event, to erasing the stored KDMs, to as extreme as physical destruction of the protected area (just like Mission Impossible).
TMS • The Theater Management System manages content storage, keeps operational logs of what has been played or what will need to be played, movement of content to the auditorium and can interface with ticketing, contract management and key management.
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