Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cinema Next Generation Electronic Platform(2)
August 6, 2009
Burbank, CA -- Doremi Cinema announced it will repackage its current 4K server technology into a 4K
integrated media block (IMB) for DLP Cinema next generation electronics. This will secure a full solution for Texas Instruments' and their OEM's upcoming 2K and 4K projectors.
Doremi has been working with Texas Instruments' DLP Cinema team for over a year to ensure compatibility of  Doremi's IMB with its next generation electronics. The IMB utilizes Doremi's patent pending (USPTO 20070263937) 4K media block technology.  Doremi's 4K patent allows Doremi to capitalize on its 2K knowledge and technology by only adding the 4K portion to the back end of the processing.  This eliminates Doremi's need to design a whole new media block which would add a significant amount of time to any production release.
Engineering samples of Doremi's IMB will be made available to TI's OEMs for integration into their next generation projectors in Q3 2009.  Production IMBs will be available in Q1 2010.

"Our ability to provide exhibitors with a 4K road map is vital," stated Michael Archer, Vice President, Doremi Cinema.  We give them the opportunity to utilize a single server manufacturer across the multiplex.  Exhibitors can mix and match 2K and 4K technology while keeping the same external server hardware, SMS and TMS.  They also benefit from all the features available on Doremi servers, such as closed captioning, server generated 2D/3D subtitles and live event playback."
About Doremi
Doremi Cinema is the world's leading developer and manufacturer of digital cinema servers  and mastering stations. Doremi's DCP-2000 was the first commercially available server capable of playing JPEG2000 digital movies conforming to DCI specifications. With its technological head start, Doremi has sold over 7,500 servers worldwide and attained over 20 million digital showings, results that far exceed the nearest competitor.

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