Saturday, January 12, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Ed Meyer & Mark Cuban Talking 3-D WITHOUT The Glasses!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ed Meyer of and Mark Cuban, Forbes list billionaire owner of the Landmark Theater chain have been negotiating glass-less 3-D and there seems like there may be an announcement soon. Yes guys, that means when you go to Landmark Theaters to see a 3-D movie, like Ed Meyer's Horrorween for instance, you WILL NOT have to wear glasses and you will still enjoy a thrilling experience. While I am personally somewhat close to these discussions, I cannot divulge too much information at this stage - like for instance what technology would be used, etc. But my readers have a vested interest in all things 3-D so I am here to say that we are very close to seeing something very soon. Ever since 3-D movies have been around, wearing glasses has been synonymous with that pleasure. Even with the advent of today's 3D technologies, wearing those glasses have stuck around. Well, perhaps, not anymore. I am certainly not adverse to wearing glasses at the theater to view movies and I am overwhelmed with just how great today's 3D technologies are, like Real D, IMAX and Dolby. That being said, for those of you who have voiced an opinion for glass-less theater, you will soon have an option!

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