Description: The Need:
Cinema and large venue projectors represent an attractive market to companies interested in lasers as light sources for projection displays. The relatively high prices of projectors sold into these markets can tolerate the high laser prices and a few laser-based projectors are sold even at current prices. It is necessary to understand the current state of these markets plus their future directions in order to plan a laser strategy.
Report Objective:
The objective of this report is to apply the price, performance and system level knowledge about RGB lasers developed in the Laser Projection Report to the special needs of the large venue and digital cinema market segment. The analysis synthesizes key component and system-level price and performance information with a business and competitive market evaluation to develop an understanding of the special value propositions offered by laser-based projection systems relative to incumbent lamp-based solutions. The analysis is used to create a total large venue and digital cinema forecast along with penetration of laser-based systems into the total available market from 2007-2012.
- Descriptions of the key markets within the digital cinema and large venue industries
- Identification of the key requirements for projectors for large venue and digital cinema applications
- BOM cost estimates for both laser and lamp-based projectors to serve these industries
- Forecasts of the total projector unit sales to these industries
- Forecasts for projector sales revenues to the digital cinema and large venue industries
- Identification of the key players in these markets
The report contains 11 figures and 10 tables.
The content of this report related to laser technology and pricing are based on the 2007 Laser Projection Report. Additional research, including discussions with key players in the large venue and digital cinema industries, added the specific information on these markets to this market segment analysis. Markets were forecast by Insight Media based on inputs on the current sales of projectors into those markets and estimated growth rates. These Insight Media forecasts were then compared to other forecasts of the industry to ensure they were in accord.
Who Should Buy:
- This report should be purchased by anyone designing, manufacturing selling or using projection systems for a large venue or digital cinema application.
- The report is of value to people planning research, development or products utilizing laser illumination in high-end projectors.
- Engineers and researchers involved in laser projection systems.
- Investors looking for information to support due diligence
Contents: 1 Description of the Current Market
1.1. Description of the Market: Large Venue
1.2. Description of the Market: D-Cinema
1.3. Key Market Trends
1.4. Shortcomings of Current Displays
2 Projector Requirements
2.1. Key Technical Requirements
2.1.1. Large Venue Projector Requirements
2.1.2. D-Cinema Projector Requirements
2.2. Advantages of Laser Illumination
3 System BOM Evaluation
3.1. 15,000 Lumen Cinema Projector
3.2. 5000 Lumen Large Venue Projector
4 Forecasts
4.1. Industry Forecasts
4.2. Laser Penetration Forecast
5 SWOT Analysis of Lasers vs. Lamps
5.1. Strengths
5.2. Weaknesses
5.3. Opportunities
5.4. Threats
6 Major Players
6.1. Current players
6.2. Other Likely Players
6.3. Digital Cinema Projectors
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Sanyo PLC-XF41 Projector
Figure 2: Christie CP2000 d-Cinema Projector
Figure 3: Projection Lens for a Sanyo LN5-WO4
Figure 4: U.S. Forecasts for D-Cinema Projector Installations
Figure 5: World-wide cinema screens
Figure 6: Revenue and Unit Forecasts for Large Venue Projectors
Figure 7: ASP Forecast for Large Venue Projectors
Figure 8: Penetration of Lasers into the Large Venue and Digital Cinema Market
List of Tables
Table 1: Key Requirements for Large Venue Projectors
Table 2: Key Requirements of the DCI Specification for the Projected Image
Table 3: DLP D-Cinema Projector with Xenon Illumination.
Table 4: DLP d-cinema projector with current laser illumination.
Table 5: DLP d-cinema projector with Novalux laser illumination.
Table 6: DLP d-cinema projector with Novalux laser illumination and Infitec 3D
Table 7: GEMS/GxL d-cinema projector with Novalux laser illumination.
Table 8: 5000 Lumen Large Venue DLP Projector with a CPL lamp
Table 9: 5000 Lumen Large Venue DLP Projector with Novalux Lasers
Author About the Author: The principal author of the 2007 Cinema and Large Venue Market Segment Analysis is Matthew Brennesholtz. - Projection, 3D, IP & Market Expert - 23 granted US patents - Author/co-author on 16 SID or SPIE articles and the standard text Projection Displays published by John Wiley - Member of the SID program selection committee - Broad system and component-level projection experience with all technologies - Previously a lead projection system architect at Philips LCoS Microdisplay Systems - Held posts at GTE/Sylvania and GE - Masters of Engineering in Optics and Plasma Physics, BS in Engineering Physics, Cornell University
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