Tuesday, May 20, 2008

DTS Digital Cinema arm sold off



David Hancock


2008 May 14


After a year up for sale, a buyer has now been found for the digital cinema arm of DTS. UK media networks group Beaufort International Group, which is majority-owned by UK-based network service provider Datasat Communications, has acquired DTS Digital Cinema for an undisclosed sum of money. Datasat is a deliverer of media content through its wholly-owned (mainly) satellite networks, and the acquisition fits into a strategy of widening their reach to the digital cinema space. Up to now, Datasat's content delivery strategy has focused on areas where high quality, secure file trasnfers are necessary, and has avoided media and broadcast industries. However, with the introduction of digital cinema, which needs very secure networks for large files (as opposed to live feeds or pre-recorded broadcasts) this move makes sense. Currently, company operates in five broad industrial areas: corporate, diplomatic, emergency, security, medical. Beaufort will continue to use DTS brand for the 'foreseeable future'. DTS is focusing entirely on its consumer side, specifically through licensing branded entertainment technology.


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